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Week 21 Matchup Tue, Mar 24 - FWG Wani
  • Week 21 Score
458 1st
out of 495
  • Week 21 Utilization %
0.93 10th
Highest Overall
FWG Wani Sports Management
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Week 21 Matchup Tue, Mar 24 - iruoj
  • Week 21 Score
67 8th
out of 122
  • Week 21 Utilization %
0.55 11th
Highest Overall
iruoj Sports Management
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Week 21 Matchup Tue, Mar 24 - DarkSkinSavage
  • Week 21 Score
405 2nd
out of 423
  • Week 21 Utilization %
0.96 9th
Highest Overall
DarkSkinSavage Sports Management
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Week 21 Matchup Tue, Mar 24 - terence
  • Week 21 Score
60 9th
out of 152
  • Week 21 Utilization %
0.39 12th
Highest Overall
terence Sports Management
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Week 21 Matchup Tue, Mar 24 - emoney1105
  • Week 21 Score
241 3rd
out of 241
  • Week 21 Utilization %
1.00 1st
Highest Overall
emoney1105 Sports Management
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Week 21 Matchup Tue, Mar 24 - perezsaint
  • Week 21 Score
51 10th
out of 51
  • Week 21 Utilization %
1.00 1st
Highest Overall
perezsaint Sports Management
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Week 21 Matchup Tue, Mar 24 - latimore28
  • Week 21 Score
102 4th
out of 102
  • Week 21 Utilization %
1.00 1st
Highest Overall
latimore28 Sports Management
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Week 21 Matchup Tue, Mar 24 - Ult_Man1141
  • Week 21 Score
50 11th
out of 50
  • Week 21 Utilization %
1.00 1st
Highest Overall
Ult_Man1141 Sports Management
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Week 21 Matchup Tue, Mar 24 - yakub
  • Week 21 Score
82 5th
out of 82
  • Week 21 Utilization %
1.00 1st
Highest Overall
yakub Sports Management
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Week 21 Matchup Tue, Mar 24 - JBS Jung
  • Week 21 Score
46 12th
out of 46
  • Week 21 Utilization %
1.00 1st
Highest Overall
JBS Jung Sports Management
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Week 21 Matchup Tue, Mar 24 - Kamon2014
  • Week 21 Score
73 6th
out of 73
  • Week 21 Utilization %
1.00 1st
Highest Overall
Kamon2014 Sports Management
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Week 21 Matchup Tue, Mar 24 - rongibb
  • Week 21 Score
0 13th
out of 0
  • Week 21 Utilization %
0.00 13th
Highest Overall
rongibb Sports Management
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Week 21 Matchup Tue, Mar 24 - Filker
  • Week 21 Score
72 7th
out of 72
  • Week 21 Utilization %
1.00 1st
Highest Overall
Filker Sports Management
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